Crypto Portfolio Rebalancing: Pros and Cons


An auto-balancing feature is also available, which allows you to always keep the original ratio of your portfolio at any time period you choose. This text is informative in nature and should not be considered an investment recommendation. It does not express the personal opinion of the author or service. Any investment or trading is risky, and past returns are not a guarantee of future returns. Safety — Many crypto portfolio trackers have the feature to link with users’ exchanges and bank accounts. Choose a tracker that emphasises security, especially looking at the increasing number of hacking incidents.

The smart portfolio trading bot is an automatic, dynamic portfolio rebalancing strategy. Users first assign percentages to each crypto asset comprising their smart portfolio. Then, they enter the total amount of USDT they will allocate to the trading bot strategy. When active, the bot uses the USDT to buy the assets in the chosen proportions. The primary purpose of rebalancing a portfolio is to manage risk.

What is rebalancing?

A portfolio need not merely be made up of owning several coins. Financial cryptocurrency products can also aid in further diversifying your portfolio. Consider it similar to holding mutual funds, ETFs, or government bonds as opposed to merely holding stock. You can invest in a huge variety of products on several blockchains and DApps.

Is rebalancing better than holding?

The constant-mix rebalancing strategy outperforms buy-and-hold during these up and down moves. Constant-mix rebalances during market volatility, buying on the dips as well as selling on the rallies.

We write product reviews and comparison articles in the field of cryptocurrency. We see that three of our four assets are highly correlated with each other. Using the exchange API, HodlBot programmatically executes trades. We encrypt user data (HMAC SHA-256) and do not have account withdrawl permission. HodlBot’s pricing is tiered based on your portfolio size in order to keep our service affordable for those with smaller account sizes.

The Benefits of CryptoSimple’s Portfolio Rebalancing

This is where the necessity of crypto portfolio trackers emerges. Since the bitcoin market is unstable, it helps to have investments in your portfolio that maintain their worth. Stablecoins shouldn’t be impacted by a decline in the cryptocurrency market if they are pegged to external entities. To protect your gains, you can quickly transfer tokens out of a project into a stablecoin backed by dollars like BUSD.

Can you rebalance portfolio without selling?

And while rebalancing does involve buying and selling, it's still part of a long-term, passive investing strategy—the type that tends to do the best in the long run.

Crypto portfolio tracking habits can have long-lasting effects and help protect the value of your assets against market recessions, economic downturn, and even hyperinflation. Cryptocurrencies are far more volatile than traditional assets. While that makes them perfect for making large profits, it also introduces the risk of losing everything if you can’t react fast enough.

Crypto Products

However, it’s important to note that volatility can work both ways, leading to gains as well as losses. In this blog post, we’ll explore how CryptoSimple’s portfolio rebalancing feature can help you manage crypto volatility and risk, potentially improving returns and simplifying investing. For example, I might decide to create a brand new portfolio with 10 assets. I set a time-schedule of four hours and rebalance my portfolio each four hours. Even better, I use a platform like Shrimpy that’ll automatically rebalance my portfolio. The assets within my portfolio might move up to 5, 10, or even 15% from their allocation target.

Still, whichever type you go for, you can rest assured that with it, your portfolio has a good chance of performing well in the long run. If the threshold is not reached, then there is no need for rebalancing. Backtesting is one of the best ways to gain an edge by having insight into the past and predicting future outcomes. Marko is a crypto enthusiast who has been involved in the blockchain industry since 2018.

level of risk

For example, consider a https://www.beaxy.com/ with 25% each of Bitcoin , Ethereum , Chainlink , and Cardano . Suppose BTC performs well and its weighting increases to 30%, but ETH underperforms and its weighting drops to 20%. In this scenario, the trader may sell BTC and buy ETH to return their portfolio to the initial allocation.

How CryptoSimple’s Portfolio Rebalancing Feature Works

You need to know what you are buying in order to make wise investments. The likelihood of comprehending everything will decline with a huge portfolio. You could also need to use several wallets and exchanges to access your assets if your portfolio spans several blockchains. Your choice whether to diversify or not, however some diversity is usually advised. When the market shifts, a portfolio will drift away from its target allocation.

  • It does not express the personal opinion of the author or service.
  • For example, your portfolio of 50% BTC, 25% SOL, and 25% AVAX has a threshold of ± 10%.
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  • Next, type the percentage of your portfolio you want each crypto to occupy.

can do this by periodically buying or selling assets in a portfolio. Second, CryptoSimple’s portfolio rebalancing feature can improve returns by selling overvalued assets and buying undervalued ones. This approach helps investors buy low and sell high, the holy grail of investing.

Intuitive interface — A good tracker usually shows XRP the total value of your portfolio on its homepage so that you can easily and quickly track the changes. The blockchain is still very much in its early stages compared to the multi-millennia old solution humanity still uses today. With the lack of more long-term historical data, instead of being able to sail through confidently, insurance companies are wading through uncharted waters. This approach also helps ensure that the mix between stocks and bonds never drifts dramatically beyond target weights. The team at CaptainAltcoin.com only recommends products and services that we would use ourselves and that we believe will provide value to our readers.

Another category with stiff competition is smart contract platforms. Ethereum is the biggest project in the smart contract game, primarily because the concept of a smart contract didn’t exist before it. Smart contracts elevated blockchain from just decentralised payments to an entire decentralised economy, and enough copycat blockchains are trying to gain favour with the community.

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Trading for a stablecoin takes much less time than converting to fiat. The closer your portfolio tracks the broader market, though, the more diversified it is. The majority of traders and investors want to outperform the market with bigger gains. A successful concentrated portfolio will outperform a portfolio with a high degree of diversification in terms of average returns.

asset allocation

Asset allocation is an essential component in ensuring stable returns. It’s common for investors to continue holding an investment when the asset’s price is in an uptrend. A long-term overallocation to one asset may result in huge losses when the asset’s price reverses. When rebalancing a portfolio, a trader profits from the overperforming asset and reinvests it into other assets.

Securities now essentially fall under the same laws as other financial instruments because they have been digitalized and placed on the blockchain. Because of this, security tokens are under the purview of regional regulators and must go through a legal procedure before being issued. HodlBot keeps your portfolio on track by automatically executing portfolio rebalances. Crypto volatility is no secret, consistent rebalancing can yield significant profits. Rebalancing, therefore, is the process of returning a portfolio to its initial allocation structure in accordance with one’s risk appetite. Torsten Hartmann has been an editor in the CaptainAltcoin team since August 2017.


Your only job is to rebalance your portfolio every week or month. The effectiveness of threshold rebalancing depends on the market, but also on the width of the threshold. How your strategy turns out depends on whether you apply a low or high threshold strategy. Portfolio rebalancing only brings me value if assets that went up lose value and vice-a-versa.

  • Let’s look at an example of rebalancing a cryptocurrency portfolio.
  • Click Bots and then Smart portfolio to see your position listed.
  • By rebalancing, you minimize the minimum and maximum amount of money you can win or lose.
  • Thus far, we’ve discussed portfolio rebalancing in terms of percentages.
  • This cannot happen in a portfolio that is regularly rebalanced using the buy low sell high approach.

These tokens are most likely to be found on platforms for decentralized finance , such as PancakeSwap, Uniswap, or SushiSwap. A governance token’s value is closely correlated with the success of the underlying project, much like utility tokens are. A security token can stand in for a variety of items, just like conventional securities. It could be ownership in a business, a bond issued for a particular undertaking, or even voting rights.

A crypto portfolio rebalancing with a sizable percentage of high-risk investments is undoubtedly unbalanced. It may have the potential to give you greater gains but it also may result in significant losses. What is best for you will depend on your risk profile, but there should be a balance. You can use them, among other things, to pay transaction costs when working with decentralized applications .

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